• Eme Outlook Magazine

    Urb Group | Company Profiles | EME Outlook Magazine

      The King of Bearings Having built up a formidable reputation since beginning operations in Romania in 1953, bearings manufacturer URB Group continues to innovate and explore new ideas   click here to read more….

  • Engineering Review Cover

    An interface with: Mr. Doğan Güres Urbgroup CEO

    Q. Please brief us about the exports and overseas operations & what are the global alliances that has been made in order to out-front the competition? Our Primary markets for exports are USA, EU and India. The brand has a history of over 60 years and has a built a impeccable track record for quality [...]

  • Convocator

    Convocator AGA 28 August 2019

    Consiliul de Administratie al “RULMENTI” S.A., cu sediul in Barlad, str. Republicii nr.320, jud.Vaslui, cod unic de inregistrare RO 2808089, nr.inreg. la R.C J37/8/1991  (denumită în continuare Societatea”), conform Deciziei nr. 173/22.07.2019,  in temeiul Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare (“Legea nr. 31/1990″) si Actul Constitutiv ale Societatii,                                                      CONVOACA: [...]