• Convocator

    Convocator AGA Mai 2019

    Consiliul de Administratie al “RULMENTI” S.A., cu sediul in Barlad, str. Republicii nr.320, jud.Vaslui, cod unic de inregistrare RO 2808089, nr.inreg. la R.C J37/8/1991  (denumită în continuare „Societatea”), conform Deciziei nr. 170/27.03.2019,  in temeiul Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile comerciale, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare (“Legea nr. 31/1990″) si Actul Constitutiv al Societatii, CONVOACA: [...]

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    Hannover Germany

    HANNOVER MESSE EXHIBITION is the world’s most important technology show! With its clear focus on core technologies and services that enable industrial production, innovation and efficiency, HANNOVER MESSE is valued by companies and organizations around the globe as the world’s premier industrial technology showcase.      

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    On 8 May 2018, U.S.A. announced that  United States would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. U.S. sanctions came into effect in November 2018 intended to force Iran to dramatically alter its policies in the region, including its support for militant groups in the region and its development of ballistic missiles. Following U.S.A. sanctions Rulmenti [...]